Thursday, 13 March 2008

Who wants to watch other people live their lives?

Ok, so what is the deal with Reality TV shows?! Why do people find it so fascinating watching other people live?! Have we really got to the point where all we do is want to watch other people?! What happened to having a life?

Personally I hate reality TV shows. I really don't see the purpose behind them! Big Brother, Survivor, I'm A Celebrity... why? At the beginning when there was just Big Brother it was a novelty but every time you turn the TV on all there that's on is Reality TV shows or game shows! I dread when I start seeing ads for Big Brother coming soon, I just think; "Great, another six weeks or longer of having nothing on E4 and Channel 4 but this!"

I know many people like them (otherwise they wouldn't be so popular) but what is it that makes these shows so good? Is it because you don't have a life and want to make up for it by watching someone have a life? Is it because you are jealous of them or is it merely because you like watching other people? I used to watch Fame Academy when it first started but that isn't merely a reality show, and some of the people had really good singing voices, but after the first season of it I stopped watching it.

There are so many programmes I would prefer to watch and that could probably gain the same amount of viewers, so why do producers insist on showing so many reality shows?

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