Monday, 10 March 2008


Going to an arts college, you are pretty much surrounded by it. Now, I can appreciate a well-drawn portrait of someone or a landscape painting, but abstract artists just don’t make sense. How can someone scribble on a page then call it art? Its not art. It's just being lazy. You can feed these “open-minded”, and I mean open-minded but some may call it naive, critics anything you want and they will believe it. Have a quick browse at Jackson Pollock’s work. Enough said really. how is that art? He has just slung some paint at a white page.

There is an exhibition at the Tate at the moment where someone has signed some urinals. How is that art?! Even I could do that, and I’m not the best artist in the world. I could probably get the award for the worst. The art world seems to be revolving artists who are controversial and already have a name. The bigger the name the more controversial they are.

I used to hate going on art trips during my secondary school days. Art was forced upon me, if I had the chance I would have stopped doing it almost immediately, not only for the teacher being over the top but for the fact nothing within that class made any sense whatsoever. One trip stood out in particular and this was to a special place called the Tate Modern, supposedly the epicentre of modern art. One of the first things I saw in this “fantastic” place was a piano smashed on the floor. Art is one thing but leaving your rubbish in a white room just doesn’t cut it. While walking round I saw a TV playing a video, thought would be a good idea to watch it. Big mistake! What I was about to witness was probably the weirdest thing anyone could see. It was a man standing there naked pleasuring himself with tomato ketchup. Not only is this disturbing enough he then proceed to punch himself in the head with a boxing glove. All this was while he was wearing a freaky mask. Is that creative or just plain weird?

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