Tuesday, 11 March 2008

The PC World Adverts

If a store like that can have Super as a prefix, then how shit must Superman have really been?

I think its common knowledge that adverts are one of God’s inventions that hasn’t gone down too well. This is no surprise considering he was taking advice from that ever so popular figure, Adolf Hitler.

But, like them or not, they will be here to stay for the rest of our miserable existences, as we rot in front of the television, eating our microwaved curries and wondering if our nipples might be too low.

But there is one advert that sends me into such a rage every time I see it, that I have been known to take a cat to the television screen, which in turn causes the entire feline population of my home town to hate it. It’s that bad.

I am talking about the PC World adverts. Adverts that are so mind numbingly horrible that you would rather watch Gene Simmons of KISS fame make fat, whaleman love. A series of adverts whose revolving cast make you wonder why George Bush hasn’t declared a war on them yet. Haven’t a clue what I’m talking about? Watch this clip and see the horror for yourselves:

Rubbed the cat hair off your screen yet? Then allow me to continue. For some reason, in order to promote and sell the product, which is in this case an overpriced laptop, the advertisers decided a great concept would be to have the staff taking an active interest in what they are selling. This means taking the laptops out of their packaging to have a quick gander, shake it about a bit, and breathe their pestilent PC World whore breaths all over it.

The women (who do they think they are kidding? It is scientific fact that women know next to nothing about computers, let alone work in a computer store so far removed from the safe confines of the kitchen.) proceed to babble on about how amazing this holy laptop is, extolling it’s virtues as if it was some new breakthrough in washing up liquid technology, only with ‘computer words’ like "Intel" and "Core".

What’s more, these adverts are all the same. A stream of bloody tools, screaming from the rooftops about how amazing the products they are selling are. Here’s a concept that I’d like to suggest – if it’s so fucking good, THEN BUY ONE YOURSELF YOU SELF FORNICATING BASTARDS .

Of course, the advert is complete bollocks. Everyone is well aware that PC World only employs seventeen year old boys with faces that a fish and chip shop owner would die to have five minutes with and whose technical knowledge extends to the "plugging it in" phase of computer building.

In conclusion, I’d like to quote one of my favorite comedians, Bill Hicks, who despite now being dead seems to have written this message for the sole person who concocted this rage-inducing example of Nazi propaganda:

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